
About Me
Becoming Stronger Every Day

About ten years ago now, I realized that I wasn't really enjoying my workout routine. I started gaining a little weight and laying off at the gym, and it really made things more difficult. Fortunately, a friend of mine recommended some great sports that might help me to master different exercises, and it opened up a whole new world for me. Before I knew it, I was playing basketball to improve my core strength and enjoying soccer to get better at running. Check out this blog for great information on how to become stronger each and every day--I know that it will improve your life.


3 Tips For Buying Gymnastics Leotards

16 April 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Leotards are an essential part of gymnastics, both in practice and in competition. There are a variety of leotards to choose from. They come in various materials, colors, and styles. With all of the choices available, it can be difficult to make a decision. Finding the right leotard can be a hassle, however, there are a few things that can help make the process easier. Here are three tips for buying leotards for gymnastics. Read More …

3 Tips For Your Waterfowl Hunting Trips

4 April 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

When you are interested in getting what you need out of your hunting trips, it's crucial that you look into every aspect of it, until you feel comfortable and confident. If you are thinking about hunting waterfowl, there are some steps that will help you to get the most out of this. Begin looking into the tips below so that you can get the most out of your waterfowl hunting process. Read More …

3 Domains That Benefit From Children’s Dance Classes

19 March 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you're looking to motivate your child and improve their overall health, dance classes may be a great option. These classes are a great alternative to contact sports like football and can provide important benefits to the following domains. 1. Physical Health During these dance classes, your child is constantly on the go and moving. The extra movement helps strengthen their heart and can actually help them lose weight. This is important for children who are inactive and struggle with motivation, as dancing doesn't seem like a workout. Read More …

So Your Corporation Is Going Hunting In Texas?

6 March 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Are you in charge of a major event for the officers in your corporation? Perhaps each year you have a different event that honors individuals who have met high goals or who have made other major contributions to the success of your company. Or, as a corporate head, you might just want to arrange different events that will build unity in your corporation. Whatever the reason that you are planning a corporate hunting trip, here are some ideas that might help you to plan something that your group will remember for many years to come. Read More …

Why You Need Special Tackle For Saltwater Fishing

21 February 2018
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

You really enjoy fishing. In fact, you enjoy it so much that you want to take the next step up and go saltwater fishing on a trawler. However, before you get all excited about this fishing trip, you should know that you need special tackle for saltwater fishing. You cannot take your freshwater fishing tackle and poles and expect to fish in the ocean! Here is why you need special rods, reels, poles and tackle for this ocean-going adventure. Read More …